Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"Breaking up! (clap, clap) Breaking up! (clap, clap) Breaking up is hard to do!, She met you and she liked your face, but now she really needs her space. You're done! You're done! You were two and now your one." - Fallsview Casino ...

Okay, it's great! it's funny and we want to sing along. It's another great commercial running locally for Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls.  The connection to Fallsview is a little vague, but  who cares, What I do remember is that it is Fallsview that is making me laugh and isn't that the most important thing.  The strength in this ad is the connection it instantly makes with the viewer.  Hasn't everyone been in one of those restaurants when some next to them is serenaded by a group of the restaurants employees. To some  people it's fun, to most of us it's totally embarrassing.  Fallsview takes it to the next level and makes us imagine the scene as ten times more embarrassing.  We have to laugh because it's so ridiculous.

It's that laugh and that emotional connection that makes us remember this advertisement, which in turn makes us remember Fallsview. More so, because they made us laugh, we remember them with good feelings, and isn't that what they wanted in the first place?  Any business that can make me laugh and make me think of them with good feelings has me sold.

"Need some fun?" and the company's signature music clip is all you'll see and hear at the end of the commercial.  Who doesn't want to answer yes to that question?  Humor and the emotional connection are powerful in advertising. Life is stressful, and reality can be really sobering, so take me to a place where I can laugh and forget about it for a while, even if I can't go today, I'll remember where it is I need to go for fun, because you already made me laugh.