Friday, June 27, 2014

"I unfriend you!"

I love how Esurance makes it's point with humor and a little nostalgia.  There are those of us who remember what life was like before the Internet.  We love how Beatrice sees the world and uses our catch-phrases in ways that could only seem logical to her, but come out very funny to us.

An advertisement like this takes us back to a time when technology wasn't a huge part of everyday life. When posting something on our wall required a thumb tac or tape and we didn't invite people to be our friends or acquaintances, they just were.

Well of course times have changed and most of us from generation X and older like to think of ourselves as tech-savy. We were there when this whole thing started. We saw the birth of the Internet, home computers, cell phones.  We were there when MTV showed it's first video and we watched as it changed from a music channel to a reality TV channel.  So, we like it when Beatrice tacks her vacation pictures to her living room wall, we laugh and we remember how it used to be.

 Esurance tells us that 15 minutes is NOT fast enough for us to get our insurance. There's now a faster and more tech-savy way to do it.  Okay, I'll buy it, but only because you communicated the message in a language I love, humor.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sports need to light up!

Ok, I haven't written on this blog in over a year, but today I have time and something I just want to share... so here goes...

Sports are sometimes visually boring to me. I think it would be so much more interesting to watch a sports game if there were lights and sounds that fit the game.

Let's take basketball first... How about we put lights on all the boundary lines. I mean, we embed them in the floor and then there's some kind of chip in the players sneakers and the lights will flash or sounded when a player steps over it. How about the back board? Wouldn't it be even more cool if it lit up and played sounds when the ball went through it...and then a bigger flashing light display and sound if it was a slam dunk... How much fun would it be to turn the lights off in an arena, and watch t players in uniforms that lit up? It would be like a live video game with flashes of light and sound. Then there's the ball, it should light and sound with every bounce and then a different sound and light for every catch etc....

Now apply this to every sport... can't you see it in football, baseball, hockey, soccer, golf, etc... It would be fun to watch and hear! There are so many visual elements that could be added to the game to make it different and cool to watch.  The technology to do this is already here, it's just no one has done it yet.

So, there it is... my idea to make sports more visually fun to watch.

What do you think?

(To my Husband....No.  I'm not kidding.)