Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A goat in the back of a pick-up truck.

I just got back from a little trip to the Springville market with my mother. It's a little drive we like to take to get some fresh vegetables and look at the junk tables. Today at the market, as we were parking, a truck pulled in with a goat in the back. My mother and I both looked at the goat and then looked back at each other and laughed. It just seemed really strange to see this lone goat staring out at us from the back of this truck. It got me to thinking about goats in general. I thought, what if I had to write a campaign to advertise goats? What would I say? I mean here I am in New York State, not the city mind you, but still New York and I'm running into this goat at the market. What would I pitch to the goat farmer who wants to sell his stock?  Better yet, how could I position the goat brand? What is it about goats that people love? Is it their long floppy ears or their random white and brown coloring or maybe... it's their sassy disposition! Its like they're saying, "Yeah, I'm a goat and I do what I want, and don't be staring at me funny or I'll ram you with my head!" Yes, the "sassy goat" is my model. Who wouldn't want a sassy goat. They could replace guard dogs, and you could milk them and have organic goat milk and then make goat cheese, and goat ice cream and goat milk chocolate. The possibilities are endless. People would want to be the first in their neighborhood to have a goat and once one person gets one, then everyone will want one. Then the breeders will get involved and they will have to breed more and more goats. Someone in Hollywood will get a small goat and carry it around in a purse and put bows in its hair. Then things will explode and all kinds of goat businesses will pop up. There will be goat milk products everywhere and goat feed stores, and goat grooming places, and little goat outfits that you can buy for your goat at Walmart. It will be goat-mania!  So, all I need is a great tag line. Help me out people. Leave me a suggestion in comments. Give me your best goat line. After looking in the eyes of that goat on the pick-up truck, I must complete this task..... Next blog post... "The goat campaign."

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