Monday, May 21, 2012

3 Ways To Make An Advertisment Funny.

We can all use a laugh now and then, and for me it's more "now," than "then."  Anyway, It comes down to three elements that almost always bring a chuckle out of me. If you can find a way to use them, you'll  put a smile on most any one's face, and leave them with a good feeling about your brand.

Numero uno.

Use "Shock," not the electric kind but the surprise kind. Go in one direction, then spin it around and go in a direction you would never think of. (until now, of course) Comedians use this all the time, and it works wonderfully.  Think, baby that speaks like an adult...(E-trade). Think, guy in a suit chewing on a big dog bone...(Allstate Insurance). Think, pint sized Darth Vader making a car start with his mental powers...(Volkswagen). They all shock us and make us laugh and we're left with a great feeling about the brand.  The Shock factor works and should be used more often to make a lasting impression on consumers.

Number two.

Attack Authority. This element makes us laugh because deep down inside we have this grade schooler in us who wants come out and get in trouble. We also have that one boss or supervisor that always seems to annoy us. We wanna see the big guy put down, it makes laugh because we know we can't do it in real life. Think, stickin' it to the man, when you are the man... (Sprint). Think, King(Elton John) gets dropped down through the floor by singing girl (Pepsi).  Attacking authority brings out that love we all have for the underdog, and it makes us laugh to see the big guy put down. It also creates a distance from the big bad corporation image that a consumer can hold onto.

Just three.

Exaggerate without limits. Take something out of it's normal context, inflate it beyond reality and laughs will come. Think, the most interesting man in the world...(Dos Equis). Think, Helicopter pilot that's not really a helicopter pilot but stayed at a... (Holiday Inn Express). Think, guy ending up in a roadside ditch because his cable company got him angry...(Direct TV). When we step way, way outside the box, people will laugh just for the shear silliness of it.

It's so much about getting people emotionally involved with our brands and laughter, something we could all use a little more of, is one easy way to make that connection.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why Ads should make us laugh.

Okay, Life is stressful! We work, (well some of us do), we take care of kids (dogs), we run here, we run there and do all the stuff we have to do.  When it comes to getting our attention, humor is almost a sure thing. It lets us relax even if it's just for a moment. We relax and we laugh and we breath a small sigh of relief.  What humorus advertising gives us is that little moment. We make an emotional connection and we remember it.

Why do we love that e-trade baby? We just can't wait to hear what he's gonna say next. How about "Mr. Mayhem," we want to see what he's done next.  We love the little surprises that humor brings. We love the little break from reality when we read a funny line, or see a funny picture on the side of a bus, or a road sign, or in a magazine. Maybe, we skip most of the commercials when we're watching our favorite TV show, but not if it's a funny commercial. Most of the time we stop, we watch, we listen, we laugh, or at least smile. Do we run out and buy the product? Not always, but sometimes we do.

 So what really happens? Well, over time we fall in love with the brand. The brand becomes our friend. So, do you want us in a relationship with your brand? Do you want your brands to be our best friends? Then entertain us and make us laugh. Have mercy, have a heart, and... have something funny to say!