Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I need some Arctic Cloudberry. Do you have any? If you have a jar of Lumene  from Finland you have, "The power of Arctic Cloudberry." I just got a new magazine called New Beauty and within the first 40 pages of the magazine there are 21 advertisements for some kind of wrinkle cream.  Wow, so this tells me that part of their target market must be generation X, yea! What really struck me about the Lumene ad was the pictures of all these yellow orangish berries, that they say grow in the Arctic, yes I said grow.  I thought nothing grew in the Arctic. I thought it was full of ice and snow, but apparently these berries grow there and if you put them on your skin, you will be radiant, or at least your skin will be. Of course the model in the ad is blond and has glowing skin. She kind of looks like she's from Finland. Maybe she is. So what happens when a dark-haired Italian girl puts Lumene on her skin? Will her skin glow too? Will she start to look Finnish? I wonder?  Sometimes ads are just about a fantasy, and I like it that way. Real life is stressful, so let me go buy some Lumene with it's amazing Cloudberries and at least fantasize about being a young, blond, radiant, Finnish girl.

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