Monday, January 30, 2012

Ferris Bueller's Day Off with Honda

Okay, let me just first say...Yea!!!! Gen-X stuff!  I love nostalgia! I just watched the Ferris Bueller Honda commercial with Matthew Broderick and I liked it. It made me laugh. He of course is older and chunkier, but still that baby face we all love. Everyone is already arguing that Honda gets lost in the action, but it made an impression on me. People, at least Gen-Xer's will be talking about it. I do have some questions though. Why the big panda and why the Chinese New Year's parade? Is Honda targeting Chinese Americans?  Maybe. Anyway, It worked for me. I think, any Gen-Xer would love to play hooky and be Ferris for a day.  I might have added some of his side-kicks from the movie though. Maybe the principle could have been the car boy, or a shot of his sister with charlie sheen would have been cool. Either way, I thought it was fun and memorable, and I think Honda will get some good buzz.

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