Monday, March 26, 2012

I like my goat and
I like him sassy!


Why are we advertising?
Because goats should not be in the backs of pick-up trucks, they should be with people.
Whom are we talking to?
Generations X, Y, and Z. Anyone who has some grass and a trampoline.
What do they currently think?
They don’t know shit about goats and what their really like.
What would we like them to think?
That goats are a fun pet to have, and It’s cool to have a pet goat.
What’s the single most persuasive idea we can convey?
Goats are fun and cool to own.
Why should they believe it?
Watch the video.
Creative mandatory?
Show the Goat. 

Tone of voice.
Raspy, kind of goaty with a lot of sass!

Ok, So finally here are some ideas for the goat Campaign. Were gonna use the lovey video above to give people a real feel for what goats are like. Their fun loving personality and their ability to jump and stay on the trampoline is sure to lure any animal lover. Why get a dog or a cat when goats have so much sass!  We've also written a goat song that we will run on Radio and Internet sights. It's in production but here are the lyrics:

The Goat Song
I like my goat and I like him sassy
He just flew in from Tallahassee
I saw him at the market in the back of a pick-up truck
He looked at me… and well the rest was luck
I took him home and at first he was mean,
But then I let him jump on my trampoline.
He called his friends and now they all come to jump.
and then they hang out baaiang by the old tree stump.
He mows my lawn whenever it’s grassy
I like my goat and I like him sassy.

We feel that people need to be educated on the advantages of owning a goat so we are making a Facebook page and a twitter to interact with those who already have goats. We want to give them a place to show pictures of their goats and talk about daily life with their goat. 

Our Tag Line: I like my goat, and I like him sassy!

More to come... send me your ideas maybe you could be in a commercial.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A goat in the back of a pick-up truck.

I just got back from a little trip to the Springville market with my mother. It's a little drive we like to take to get some fresh vegetables and look at the junk tables. Today at the market, as we were parking, a truck pulled in with a goat in the back. My mother and I both looked at the goat and then looked back at each other and laughed. It just seemed really strange to see this lone goat staring out at us from the back of this truck. It got me to thinking about goats in general. I thought, what if I had to write a campaign to advertise goats? What would I say? I mean here I am in New York State, not the city mind you, but still New York and I'm running into this goat at the market. What would I pitch to the goat farmer who wants to sell his stock?  Better yet, how could I position the goat brand? What is it about goats that people love? Is it their long floppy ears or their random white and brown coloring or maybe... it's their sassy disposition! Its like they're saying, "Yeah, I'm a goat and I do what I want, and don't be staring at me funny or I'll ram you with my head!" Yes, the "sassy goat" is my model. Who wouldn't want a sassy goat. They could replace guard dogs, and you could milk them and have organic goat milk and then make goat cheese, and goat ice cream and goat milk chocolate. The possibilities are endless. People would want to be the first in their neighborhood to have a goat and once one person gets one, then everyone will want one. Then the breeders will get involved and they will have to breed more and more goats. Someone in Hollywood will get a small goat and carry it around in a purse and put bows in its hair. Then things will explode and all kinds of goat businesses will pop up. There will be goat milk products everywhere and goat feed stores, and goat grooming places, and little goat outfits that you can buy for your goat at Walmart. It will be goat-mania!  So, all I need is a great tag line. Help me out people. Leave me a suggestion in comments. Give me your best goat line. After looking in the eyes of that goat on the pick-up truck, I must complete this task..... Next blog post... "The goat campaign."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rally 'round the Roast!

Let's talk about meat advertising! In recent years, it might not be that popular to be a meat lover, but there are still many of us out there. It's about hamburgers for me. I grew up eating hamburgers and steak every Sunday. I love a juicy burger and a grilled steak. We've been told that "Beef is what's for dinner," and I agree. We used to "Rally 'round the Roast," and "Wish we were an Oscar Mayer Wiener." Then we asked "Where's the beef?" Now we eat the "Other White Meat." and order the double cheese burger with bacon. Times have changed but meat is still a popular dish. I can be grossed out just as easy as the next person, but I just can't seem to give up meat, and frankly I don't want to. I think it's kind of funny how we totally remove ourselves from thinking that what we are eating was once alive. It comes in a nice sealed package or wrapped in white paper and it's cut round or square, not shaped like an animal at all. It's an advertisers job to make us forget it had anything thing to do with dead animals.

In late, wearing things made out of meat has become popular too. I guess we can thank Lady Gaga  for that. Would we have ever seen the meat wig above if not for her. Meat has been around for a long time, and I still get excited about it like the picture of the little girl and her ham dinner. I love to make my sandwiches with Hellshire Farms, and I'll join them cheering, "Go Meat!"  It's all pretty strange and quite humorous when you really think about it. So, what's the next great meat slogan? "Got meat?" "Meat Happens" "It's Meat bro"  No. We need some 80's nostalgia for all the gen-Xers. How 'bout "We got the meat, we got the meat, we got the meat, yeah! We got the meat!"  or "Meat it! just meat it."  or maybe, "Meat dreams are made of this."  Oh well, something like that anyway. For now, let's just keep the grill hot and the meat cooking, cause I'm not on the protein diet, I just like me some meat. (Get your mind out of the gutter, you know what I mean.)

Friday, March 2, 2012

What about Wheat Thins?

Here I am on vacation eating my reduced fat Wheat Thins, and I notice the back of the box, it says, "Do
what you do with whole grains." I read it again, "Do what you do with whole grains." The letters are very big and have pictures inside of them. There are three girls in red shirts, who look like they are playing as well as pictures of wheat. I get the general concept, but the words just strike me as kind of funny. Just what is it, that we do with whole grains?  I guess it's anything we want. The girls in the picture look like they just won some kind of sports event and they are celebrating, of course they won because they ate these delicious reduced fat Wheat Thins. Therefore, if I east these reduced fat Wheat Thins, I will be a winner too. Hmmmm. I like it. It's a simple emotional connection, that leaves the consumer with two ideas, one you are doing something good for your body by eating this product, which brings us to the conclusion, that if you do good things for your body, it will reward you by giving you what you need to be a winner.  A few words that get the message across, isn't that 's what advertising should do? I mean we're talking about the back of a Wheat Thins box here. It's simple but effective. Just makes me want to eat this whole box, but I better not, too many Weight Watchers points.