Monday, March 26, 2012

I like my goat and
I like him sassy!


Why are we advertising?
Because goats should not be in the backs of pick-up trucks, they should be with people.
Whom are we talking to?
Generations X, Y, and Z. Anyone who has some grass and a trampoline.
What do they currently think?
They don’t know shit about goats and what their really like.
What would we like them to think?
That goats are a fun pet to have, and It’s cool to have a pet goat.
What’s the single most persuasive idea we can convey?
Goats are fun and cool to own.
Why should they believe it?
Watch the video.
Creative mandatory?
Show the Goat. 

Tone of voice.
Raspy, kind of goaty with a lot of sass!

Ok, So finally here are some ideas for the goat Campaign. Were gonna use the lovey video above to give people a real feel for what goats are like. Their fun loving personality and their ability to jump and stay on the trampoline is sure to lure any animal lover. Why get a dog or a cat when goats have so much sass!  We've also written a goat song that we will run on Radio and Internet sights. It's in production but here are the lyrics:

The Goat Song
I like my goat and I like him sassy
He just flew in from Tallahassee
I saw him at the market in the back of a pick-up truck
He looked at me… and well the rest was luck
I took him home and at first he was mean,
But then I let him jump on my trampoline.
He called his friends and now they all come to jump.
and then they hang out baaiang by the old tree stump.
He mows my lawn whenever it’s grassy
I like my goat and I like him sassy.

We feel that people need to be educated on the advantages of owning a goat so we are making a Facebook page and a twitter to interact with those who already have goats. We want to give them a place to show pictures of their goats and talk about daily life with their goat. 

Our Tag Line: I like my goat, and I like him sassy!

More to come... send me your ideas maybe you could be in a commercial.

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