Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What Makes Insurance So Funny?

Okay, so when did insurance become so funny? First we have the gecko with the English accent; then the favorite "waitress like" girl "Flo," who has her own personal following; then of course there's "Mayhem" who gets into all kinds of predicaments; and we can't forget the magical "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there" and the agent appears out of thin air; or the deep voice of the Allstate spokesmen.  So many insurance companies going after that millennial audience, and giving us a good laugh while they do it. I remember when insurance company advertisements were so serious. When there was some guy in a suit trying to reassure us and then basically scare us into buying insurance. It says a lot for where things are headed. We want to laugh about the future, not be afraid of it. We're smarter and not easily persuaded as in the past.  I'm glad insurance has become funny. Wouldn't it be great if some of the other too serious industries started becoming funny. Investments, is already going that way with the e-trade baby... How about the the health care industry and the pharmacutical companies...We could use a laugh from them. Why don't they show some people having fun with medicine, or how about they have someone take one of those anti-depression pills they're advertising and then the person gets up and starts dancing and singing, that would be funny... at least kind of funny. How about make-up, furniture and weight-loss industries... they could all benefit from being more funny, at least I think so. Real life is stressful, and can be full of worries and disappointments...I think advertising should be entertaining, and dammit! IT SHOULD BE FUNNY! ... at least most of the time.

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