Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Not feeling the Ford commercials

I'm just not feeling the Ford commercials they're running on TV.  First, the one with the people being surprised by a press conference.  It just leaves me with an uncomfortable feeling. I feel sorry for the people when they don't know what to say and that feeling carries on over to the brand for me. I'm just not feeling any good emotions towards Ford after viewing those commercials. The second Ford commercial with the spokes guy, and people who are giving up their old cars and getting a Ford.  Well, I get the concept, but I'm not sure it works. It's just kind of flat. I mean it shows some cool features of the cars, but it lacks any kind of excitement or call to action for me. The spokesperson is just so-so. I don't dislike him, but I don't really like him a lot. Somehow, his attempts at humor annoy me. Their tag line, "Out with the old, in with the Ford," is just boring. You need something new Ford, something that makes me want to drive your car.   I think you need music. You need music and visuals that are fun, exciting and motivate me to take a second look, or you need humor, so I can laugh and have good feelings when I think about your brand.

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