Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"Breaking up! (clap, clap) Breaking up! (clap, clap) Breaking up is hard to do!, She met you and she liked your face, but now she really needs her space. You're done! You're done! You were two and now your one." - Fallsview Casino ...

Okay, it's great! it's funny and we want to sing along. It's another great commercial running locally for Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls.  The connection to Fallsview is a little vague, but  who cares, What I do remember is that it is Fallsview that is making me laugh and isn't that the most important thing.  The strength in this ad is the connection it instantly makes with the viewer.  Hasn't everyone been in one of those restaurants when some next to them is serenaded by a group of the restaurants employees. To some  people it's fun, to most of us it's totally embarrassing.  Fallsview takes it to the next level and makes us imagine the scene as ten times more embarrassing.  We have to laugh because it's so ridiculous.

It's that laugh and that emotional connection that makes us remember this advertisement, which in turn makes us remember Fallsview. More so, because they made us laugh, we remember them with good feelings, and isn't that what they wanted in the first place?  Any business that can make me laugh and make me think of them with good feelings has me sold.

"Need some fun?" and the company's signature music clip is all you'll see and hear at the end of the commercial.  Who doesn't want to answer yes to that question?  Humor and the emotional connection are powerful in advertising. Life is stressful, and reality can be really sobering, so take me to a place where I can laugh and forget about it for a while, even if I can't go today, I'll remember where it is I need to go for fun, because you already made me laugh.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Were you a teenager in the 80's? Rock of Advertising!

Whether you were riding the crazy train to pour some sugar on yourself; or walking like an Egyptian, acting like a virgin and wanting to dance with somebody; you're now the subject of advertisers attention and it's about time!

Generation X is being wooed by the music of their youth. Here's a list of some current commercials using 80's tunes to get your attention.

        Papa John's Pizza, using Wang Chung 's, "Everybody Have Fun Tonight"
Everybody Papa John's tonight.

Mitsubishi Montero, using Ozzy Osbourne's, "Crazy Train"You know you've heard it all when Ozzy is played in a car commercial.

Papa John's Pizza, using The Romantics's"What I Like About You"This is the third (or fourth) restaurant chain to use What I Like About You.

ABC, using Maddness's, "Our House"used to promote a new game show called "Opportunity Knocks."

Hallmark Cards, using REO Speedwagon's, "Can't Fight This Feeling"This was used on one of the Valentine's ads where they are in their car and the song is played out of their card.

Domino's Pizza, using Cinderella's', "Don't Know What You've Got (Until It's Gone)"A couple of guys awaiting a Domino's Pizza play around while Don't Know... plays.

These are just of few of the recent ones. I'm sure there are more to come and frankly I'm glad. Any advertiser who wants to get my attention will, if they play one of my 80's favorites and give me that nostalgic feeling.  I'm not one of those complainers that gonna say, "Oh man, the rock bands are selling out to advertisers."  Sell out all you want man! I love seeing music and culture from my generation splashed across my tv screen between CSI and Law & Order. Its fun and it makes me pay attention to a commercial I would have fast forwarded through.  So rock on advertisers! The rock of my ages has finally made it to the advertising scene, and I like it!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Why do we love the Sonic guys?

Why are these two guys so much fun to watch?

I think there's a couple of reasons we like them.  First, they remind us of someone we know.  I mean, there's always that one guy who's kind of quirky that we've known for a few years. Maybe, he's a friend of a friend or he works in your office or he pumps gas at the local gas station.  Somehow he's familiar to us and watching this actor portray his personality makes us laugh.  It also brings a familiarity feeling to the brand. We know it's all about those emotional connections and this quirky guy reels us in.

The second reason we like these guys is because of what they are talking about. They babble. They have the conversation you have with your friend when you're talking about nothing.  They make conversation about what they're eating and then take it a little further to the ridiculous. We can't help but laugh at what they're saying, because its nonsense. They are true comedians.

So who cares if Sonic recycled an old Campaign. It's funny and it leaves me feeling good about Sonic. Sometimes it even makes me hungry for a burger and some tater tots. I love when advertising entertains me and makes me remember their brand with humor and good feelings. As opposed to repeating their name several times or flashing their colorful logo across the screen of my TV, computer, or phone. Entertain me, connect with me, and I'll remember you.

So, press on Pete Grosz and TJ Jagdowski, we love to watch your front seat antics.
For more on these two improve actors see or follow them on twitter @_those2guys

Monday, May 21, 2012

3 Ways To Make An Advertisment Funny.

We can all use a laugh now and then, and for me it's more "now," than "then."  Anyway, It comes down to three elements that almost always bring a chuckle out of me. If you can find a way to use them, you'll  put a smile on most any one's face, and leave them with a good feeling about your brand.

Numero uno.

Use "Shock," not the electric kind but the surprise kind. Go in one direction, then spin it around and go in a direction you would never think of. (until now, of course) Comedians use this all the time, and it works wonderfully.  Think, baby that speaks like an adult...(E-trade). Think, guy in a suit chewing on a big dog bone...(Allstate Insurance). Think, pint sized Darth Vader making a car start with his mental powers...(Volkswagen). They all shock us and make us laugh and we're left with a great feeling about the brand.  The Shock factor works and should be used more often to make a lasting impression on consumers.

Number two.

Attack Authority. This element makes us laugh because deep down inside we have this grade schooler in us who wants come out and get in trouble. We also have that one boss or supervisor that always seems to annoy us. We wanna see the big guy put down, it makes laugh because we know we can't do it in real life. Think, stickin' it to the man, when you are the man... (Sprint). Think, King(Elton John) gets dropped down through the floor by singing girl (Pepsi).  Attacking authority brings out that love we all have for the underdog, and it makes us laugh to see the big guy put down. It also creates a distance from the big bad corporation image that a consumer can hold onto.

Just three.

Exaggerate without limits. Take something out of it's normal context, inflate it beyond reality and laughs will come. Think, the most interesting man in the world...(Dos Equis). Think, Helicopter pilot that's not really a helicopter pilot but stayed at a... (Holiday Inn Express). Think, guy ending up in a roadside ditch because his cable company got him angry...(Direct TV). When we step way, way outside the box, people will laugh just for the shear silliness of it.

It's so much about getting people emotionally involved with our brands and laughter, something we could all use a little more of, is one easy way to make that connection.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Why Ads should make us laugh.

Okay, Life is stressful! We work, (well some of us do), we take care of kids (dogs), we run here, we run there and do all the stuff we have to do.  When it comes to getting our attention, humor is almost a sure thing. It lets us relax even if it's just for a moment. We relax and we laugh and we breath a small sigh of relief.  What humorus advertising gives us is that little moment. We make an emotional connection and we remember it.

Why do we love that e-trade baby? We just can't wait to hear what he's gonna say next. How about "Mr. Mayhem," we want to see what he's done next.  We love the little surprises that humor brings. We love the little break from reality when we read a funny line, or see a funny picture on the side of a bus, or a road sign, or in a magazine. Maybe, we skip most of the commercials when we're watching our favorite TV show, but not if it's a funny commercial. Most of the time we stop, we watch, we listen, we laugh, or at least smile. Do we run out and buy the product? Not always, but sometimes we do.

 So what really happens? Well, over time we fall in love with the brand. The brand becomes our friend. So, do you want us in a relationship with your brand? Do you want your brands to be our best friends? Then entertain us and make us laugh. Have mercy, have a heart, and... have something funny to say!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Mohair car floor mats...Yeah, Okay.

 The Range Rover EVOQUE  - Special Edition by Victoria Beckham

Okay.  Why can I just not buy this?  It just doesn't make sense to me.  Victoria Beckham and Range Rover just don't go together for me.  It's not that beautiful women don't drive Range Rovers, 'cause they do.  It's just do beautiful women want to drive a Range Rover with another woman's name on it. You can design my clothes, you can design my make-up, you can design my shoes and my hairstyle, but somehow I don't want you in my car.  A car can be like a husband, and who wants another woman designing their husband? Who wants to feel like another woman has been riding in my car? Not me.

It features rose gold accents, mohair floor mats, and a hand-sewn leather wallet to hold the owner's manual. We all like a little luxury, but mohair floor mats?  I could just imagine using those on a winter day in Buffalo. Anyway, I think Victoria needs to stick to designing perfume, and Lingerie and leave my husband, I mean car... alone.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

On-line ads, do they really work?

On-line ads, do they really work? I'm talking about banner ads and side ads and those ads you're forced to watch before the video you want to see comes on. How many of us completely ignore them? Or maybe were so uninterested that we've never even noticed them.  Most likely they are tailored to us, based on past things we've searched or clicked on, but do we care?  Unless it's really entertaining, or there's something we're looking for, or something we need in the next day, hour, or minute we seem unlikely to notice these ads or even think of clicking on them.

Now, I'm not talking about the advertisers and companies we search out for a good deal or a discount, I'm talking about the ones that seek us out. They creep on us, always hanging out on the sidelines, flashing us. They just seem pretty useless to me. I don't think I've ever clicked on one. Well, I might have clicked by mistake and then got stuck waiting for it to be over.

So, what do we do, advertising and marketing people? We find a better way. How? Well, I'm kind of new at this so, I don't have all the answers...but, here's a suggestion...First, make them entertaining, or find a way to weave your brand and product into the entertainment.  Make me stop and look. Make something eye-catching, make something stellar. I don't want to see your logo spinning around in a circle unless it say's something short and cool. I don't want to see a pretty picture of your credit card or your spokes person. Give me something fun to look at, or strange or interesting. Better yet, just tweet it to me in the form of some useful information with how you/ your product or service can make my life better.  Social media has changed the way we get information. We need to change the way we advertise.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

ideagirl's Ideas About Advertising: What Makes Insurance So Funny?

ideagirl's Ideas About Advertising: What Makes Insurance So Funny?: Okay, so when did insurance become so funny? First we have the gecko with the English accent; then the favorite "waitress like" girl "Flo,... Hi people check out my new blog post.

What Makes Insurance So Funny?

Okay, so when did insurance become so funny? First we have the gecko with the English accent; then the favorite "waitress like" girl "Flo," who has her own personal following; then of course there's "Mayhem" who gets into all kinds of predicaments; and we can't forget the magical "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there" and the agent appears out of thin air; or the deep voice of the Allstate spokesmen.  So many insurance companies going after that millennial audience, and giving us a good laugh while they do it. I remember when insurance company advertisements were so serious. When there was some guy in a suit trying to reassure us and then basically scare us into buying insurance. It says a lot for where things are headed. We want to laugh about the future, not be afraid of it. We're smarter and not easily persuaded as in the past.  I'm glad insurance has become funny. Wouldn't it be great if some of the other too serious industries started becoming funny. Investments, is already going that way with the e-trade baby... How about the the health care industry and the pharmacutical companies...We could use a laugh from them. Why don't they show some people having fun with medicine, or how about they have someone take one of those anti-depression pills they're advertising and then the person gets up and starts dancing and singing, that would be funny... at least kind of funny. How about make-up, furniture and weight-loss industries... they could all benefit from being more funny, at least I think so. Real life is stressful, and can be full of worries and disappointments...I think advertising should be entertaining, and dammit! IT SHOULD BE FUNNY! ... at least most of the time.

Monday, March 26, 2012

I like my goat and
I like him sassy!


Why are we advertising?
Because goats should not be in the backs of pick-up trucks, they should be with people.
Whom are we talking to?
Generations X, Y, and Z. Anyone who has some grass and a trampoline.
What do they currently think?
They don’t know shit about goats and what their really like.
What would we like them to think?
That goats are a fun pet to have, and It’s cool to have a pet goat.
What’s the single most persuasive idea we can convey?
Goats are fun and cool to own.
Why should they believe it?
Watch the video.
Creative mandatory?
Show the Goat. 

Tone of voice.
Raspy, kind of goaty with a lot of sass!

Ok, So finally here are some ideas for the goat Campaign. Were gonna use the lovey video above to give people a real feel for what goats are like. Their fun loving personality and their ability to jump and stay on the trampoline is sure to lure any animal lover. Why get a dog or a cat when goats have so much sass!  We've also written a goat song that we will run on Radio and Internet sights. It's in production but here are the lyrics:

The Goat Song
I like my goat and I like him sassy
He just flew in from Tallahassee
I saw him at the market in the back of a pick-up truck
He looked at me… and well the rest was luck
I took him home and at first he was mean,
But then I let him jump on my trampoline.
He called his friends and now they all come to jump.
and then they hang out baaiang by the old tree stump.
He mows my lawn whenever it’s grassy
I like my goat and I like him sassy.

We feel that people need to be educated on the advantages of owning a goat so we are making a Facebook page and a twitter to interact with those who already have goats. We want to give them a place to show pictures of their goats and talk about daily life with their goat. 

Our Tag Line: I like my goat, and I like him sassy!

More to come... send me your ideas maybe you could be in a commercial.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

A goat in the back of a pick-up truck.

I just got back from a little trip to the Springville market with my mother. It's a little drive we like to take to get some fresh vegetables and look at the junk tables. Today at the market, as we were parking, a truck pulled in with a goat in the back. My mother and I both looked at the goat and then looked back at each other and laughed. It just seemed really strange to see this lone goat staring out at us from the back of this truck. It got me to thinking about goats in general. I thought, what if I had to write a campaign to advertise goats? What would I say? I mean here I am in New York State, not the city mind you, but still New York and I'm running into this goat at the market. What would I pitch to the goat farmer who wants to sell his stock?  Better yet, how could I position the goat brand? What is it about goats that people love? Is it their long floppy ears or their random white and brown coloring or maybe... it's their sassy disposition! Its like they're saying, "Yeah, I'm a goat and I do what I want, and don't be staring at me funny or I'll ram you with my head!" Yes, the "sassy goat" is my model. Who wouldn't want a sassy goat. They could replace guard dogs, and you could milk them and have organic goat milk and then make goat cheese, and goat ice cream and goat milk chocolate. The possibilities are endless. People would want to be the first in their neighborhood to have a goat and once one person gets one, then everyone will want one. Then the breeders will get involved and they will have to breed more and more goats. Someone in Hollywood will get a small goat and carry it around in a purse and put bows in its hair. Then things will explode and all kinds of goat businesses will pop up. There will be goat milk products everywhere and goat feed stores, and goat grooming places, and little goat outfits that you can buy for your goat at Walmart. It will be goat-mania!  So, all I need is a great tag line. Help me out people. Leave me a suggestion in comments. Give me your best goat line. After looking in the eyes of that goat on the pick-up truck, I must complete this task..... Next blog post... "The goat campaign."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rally 'round the Roast!

Let's talk about meat advertising! In recent years, it might not be that popular to be a meat lover, but there are still many of us out there. It's about hamburgers for me. I grew up eating hamburgers and steak every Sunday. I love a juicy burger and a grilled steak. We've been told that "Beef is what's for dinner," and I agree. We used to "Rally 'round the Roast," and "Wish we were an Oscar Mayer Wiener." Then we asked "Where's the beef?" Now we eat the "Other White Meat." and order the double cheese burger with bacon. Times have changed but meat is still a popular dish. I can be grossed out just as easy as the next person, but I just can't seem to give up meat, and frankly I don't want to. I think it's kind of funny how we totally remove ourselves from thinking that what we are eating was once alive. It comes in a nice sealed package or wrapped in white paper and it's cut round or square, not shaped like an animal at all. It's an advertisers job to make us forget it had anything thing to do with dead animals.

In late, wearing things made out of meat has become popular too. I guess we can thank Lady Gaga  for that. Would we have ever seen the meat wig above if not for her. Meat has been around for a long time, and I still get excited about it like the picture of the little girl and her ham dinner. I love to make my sandwiches with Hellshire Farms, and I'll join them cheering, "Go Meat!"  It's all pretty strange and quite humorous when you really think about it. So, what's the next great meat slogan? "Got meat?" "Meat Happens" "It's Meat bro"  No. We need some 80's nostalgia for all the gen-Xers. How 'bout "We got the meat, we got the meat, we got the meat, yeah! We got the meat!"  or "Meat it! just meat it."  or maybe, "Meat dreams are made of this."  Oh well, something like that anyway. For now, let's just keep the grill hot and the meat cooking, cause I'm not on the protein diet, I just like me some meat. (Get your mind out of the gutter, you know what I mean.)

Friday, March 2, 2012

What about Wheat Thins?

Here I am on vacation eating my reduced fat Wheat Thins, and I notice the back of the box, it says, "Do
what you do with whole grains." I read it again, "Do what you do with whole grains." The letters are very big and have pictures inside of them. There are three girls in red shirts, who look like they are playing as well as pictures of wheat. I get the general concept, but the words just strike me as kind of funny. Just what is it, that we do with whole grains?  I guess it's anything we want. The girls in the picture look like they just won some kind of sports event and they are celebrating, of course they won because they ate these delicious reduced fat Wheat Thins. Therefore, if I east these reduced fat Wheat Thins, I will be a winner too. Hmmmm. I like it. It's a simple emotional connection, that leaves the consumer with two ideas, one you are doing something good for your body by eating this product, which brings us to the conclusion, that if you do good things for your body, it will reward you by giving you what you need to be a winner.  A few words that get the message across, isn't that 's what advertising should do? I mean we're talking about the back of a Wheat Thins box here. It's simple but effective. Just makes me want to eat this whole box, but I better not, too many Weight Watchers points.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Not feeling the Ford commercials

I'm just not feeling the Ford commercials they're running on TV.  First, the one with the people being surprised by a press conference.  It just leaves me with an uncomfortable feeling. I feel sorry for the people when they don't know what to say and that feeling carries on over to the brand for me. I'm just not feeling any good emotions towards Ford after viewing those commercials. The second Ford commercial with the spokes guy, and people who are giving up their old cars and getting a Ford.  Well, I get the concept, but I'm not sure it works. It's just kind of flat. I mean it shows some cool features of the cars, but it lacks any kind of excitement or call to action for me. The spokesperson is just so-so. I don't dislike him, but I don't really like him a lot. Somehow, his attempts at humor annoy me. Their tag line, "Out with the old, in with the Ford," is just boring. You need something new Ford, something that makes me want to drive your car.   I think you need music. You need music and visuals that are fun, exciting and motivate me to take a second look, or you need humor, so I can laugh and have good feelings when I think about your brand.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jennifer Hudson made me want to lose weight.

I can't tell you how many Weight Watchers commercials I've seen, or how many other weight loss ads I've watched, but I can tell you that none of them really motivated me, until I saw Jennifer Hudson.  There's something so sincere about her that I had to stop and listen to what she was saying. Of course she looks great and her weight loss has given her a new polished look that really is stunning.  All I know is I believed her. When she said she lost weight on the Weight Watchers program, I knew she was telling the truth. It's so important, when choosing a person to represent your product, that the person be authentic and believable, and the right fit for your product. Jennifer Hudson fits Weight Watchers. She was motivated, and she motivated me.  My husband and I joined Weight Watchers on line version on January 2nd and I'm pleased to announce that I've lost 17 pounds and my husband has lost 16 pounds. We're still on it and have a ways to go, but if it weren't for Jennifer Hudson, I'm not sure I would have believed that Weight Watchers was the program for me. Thanks Weight Watchers and thanks Jen.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"I should have bought a Falcon!"

"I should have bought a Falcon!" I love how random this is, yet somehow it's true to life. State Farm took a simple idea of saving money and the things a man might buy with that money and made it so extreme it was funny. It really resonates with me, because when I was on a recent trip to Italy for several weeks my husband bought a bird, not a Falcon mind you, but a Sun Conure, a smaller tropical bird. He said he won a gift certificate to the pet store and he had always wanted a bird. Hmmm. He never told me he wanted a bird before. None the less, I like the random connection State Farm made. Husbands are known for buying interesting things they don't necessarily need and now State Farm gives them a good excuse. They could have tried targeting woman and letting her buy designer purses or shoes, but it just wouldn't have been as funny. I think State Farm's Falcon commercial made a memorable statement in the insurance wars.  Speaking of insurance, who would have thought that this industry would have given us some of the funniest commercials on TV.  There are a lot of laughs between "Mayhem," "The little English speaking gecko," and "Flo."

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ferris Bueller's Day Off with Honda

Okay, let me just first say...Yea!!!! Gen-X stuff!  I love nostalgia! I just watched the Ferris Bueller Honda commercial with Matthew Broderick and I liked it. It made me laugh. He of course is older and chunkier, but still that baby face we all love. Everyone is already arguing that Honda gets lost in the action, but it made an impression on me. People, at least Gen-Xer's will be talking about it. I do have some questions though. Why the big panda and why the Chinese New Year's parade? Is Honda targeting Chinese Americans?  Maybe. Anyway, It worked for me. I think, any Gen-Xer would love to play hooky and be Ferris for a day.  I might have added some of his side-kicks from the movie though. Maybe the principle could have been the car boy, or a shot of his sister with charlie sheen would have been cool. Either way, I thought it was fun and memorable, and I think Honda will get some good buzz.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I need some Arctic Cloudberry. Do you have any? If you have a jar of Lumene  from Finland you have, "The power of Arctic Cloudberry." I just got a new magazine called New Beauty and within the first 40 pages of the magazine there are 21 advertisements for some kind of wrinkle cream.  Wow, so this tells me that part of their target market must be generation X, yea! What really struck me about the Lumene ad was the pictures of all these yellow orangish berries, that they say grow in the Arctic, yes I said grow.  I thought nothing grew in the Arctic. I thought it was full of ice and snow, but apparently these berries grow there and if you put them on your skin, you will be radiant, or at least your skin will be. Of course the model in the ad is blond and has glowing skin. She kind of looks like she's from Finland. Maybe she is. So what happens when a dark-haired Italian girl puts Lumene on her skin? Will her skin glow too? Will she start to look Finnish? I wonder?  Sometimes ads are just about a fantasy, and I like it that way. Real life is stressful, so let me go buy some Lumene with it's amazing Cloudberries and at least fantasize about being a young, blond, radiant, Finnish girl.